Immortality you ask yourself, is this possible ?


The average life expectancy in the western world is under 30 000 days. Its quite simple change or die. Come with us and have a quick glance through history. We will look at a few events that have helped shape our world. This concept may not be as strange as it seems. As you will see from the timeline, every civilization in the past thought they had a good grasp of what was and wasn't possible. But were proved wrong time and time again

In the last 25 years we have gone from looking in awe, at the invention of microwave ovens and color TVs. To thinking nothing of watching galaxies colliding on the other side of the universe, on the maze we call the World Wide Web. Where is the next decade or two going to take us?
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As the new century begins, many people are beginning to move to a higher level of understanding. There is a growing awareness, that the world around us is not all what it seems. Many events are occurring, that we once reserved for the realms of science fiction.

We think it is only a matter of time, before the technology to live forever is available. But if we are not working towards it as a common goal, it may not happen in time for our generation.