
Our body is like any other machine, if we maintain it, it will serve us a lot better than if we don't. The following pages have some sure fire tips to help you hang on for a bit longer. If your serious about living forever you will read them carefully. But you will have to start working on theses things now. At the moment there is no magic bullet so a bit of work is required in the following areas


Antioxidants help remove free radicals from the body

  • Diet: Obviously cut saturated fats from your diet, they will be clogging up your artery walls causing premature cardiovascular disease and strokes. Drink 3-4 Liter's of distilled water per day. Most of us walk around in a constant state of dehydration and don't realize it.
    Get more advise on Nutritional from G.

  • Exercise: You must get that heart rate up over 140 beats per min for 30 minutes at least 4 times per week. Try our Yoga pages . Yoga is one of the best things you can do for body maintenance.

  • Sex. Get plenty of sex people who are more sexually active live longer lives. Check out some free sites on the subject.

  • Sleep. Get at least 7-9 hours sleep per night. This will help your immune system ward of many diseases that are around.

  • Smoking cigarettes, give up enough said.

  • Don't stress out. Everything is state of mind if you have your health.


With the corporation cycle feeding so much propaganda to us, we really don't know exactly what is good for you, so research is desperately need in this area. We intend on extending this area with as accurate information as possible.