
I believe you should trust someone until they prove otherwise and there's plenty of corporations that have proven otherwise to me. Today life involves growing up with the Coca Cola Corporation advertising how good their product is for me Ha ! Ha! Drink water, soft drinks wern't designed to filter your kidneys.









I'll be straight up with you, this isn't a big organization at the moment. It really is going to be given totally to it members. All you have to do is join. Why? We want to demonstrate to you that we are in this for you and are for real. There are no catches what so ever, what have you got to lose? We want to set up this organization to provide you with as accurate information about health and well being as possible, all free.

Its not the money that motivates me. It is my health which is my main interest. I admit it I'm Addicted To Life! I'm a firm believe that if you have your health everything else is state of mind. I'm dead serious about success of this company, because my life depends on it.

Hands up who enjoys life. If your hand didn't go up, maybe this organization is for you and if it did its definitely for you. Life is about living and should be fun.

If a human ear has been grown from the back of a mouse and they can clone a sheep. I don't think there is anyone on this planet qualified enough to state that this immortality is impossible.

Have a good look around you, the rules of your parents reality are being broken, everyday,

hand transplants, 7 story high space stations under construction in space. The Human Genome project! What next?


If it is on our health tips section you can be sure that I am living and breathing it. It would be nice and easy for me to think, that something invisible may save me and I wish it could, but that is just a bit hard for me to swallow. What is healthy to eat these days? this study here, other one there, this causes heart disease, this does that! What do you believe? I just want some information I can trust.

If a bus was going to hit you, I'm sure you would move to save yourself. Well the bus of death is coming for us all. It is only through, the extraordinary advances, in the evolution of thought in our species, that this opportunity, for us to move has arisen. Its instinct, who doesn't want to live? It was our primary objective, when we were being born into this world, before the corporation cycle got hold of us.

I think there has never been a real revolution! just wars about confusion in the world, which must be stopped. Lets admit no one is really right or wrong and get on with it, lets forgive our ancestors crimes. We know they were doing the best they could, with the information they had.

Our ancestors weren't presented this opportunity, anyway they were busy fighting amongst themselves, they believed they were real revolutionary's, which was getting them nowhere fast.

Is it foolish to think the government of your country, isn't in the back pocket of some billion-dollar industry. Huge industry is fueling the direction of this planet. (Amazing Statistic) I assure you profits are their main concern not your well being.

The Foundation will be above the corruption of these industries, we will be looking out for you as an individual. We are here to stay, so let's start thinking for ourselves, our strength will be in our unity. It is simple physics if we work together, rather than against each other things will advance faster than we think is possible.

So join us and show the world what a bit cohesion can do.

If any organization is with holding information that may help save your life it hasn't got your best interest at heart.

Remember any thing you purchase from us, the proceeds go directly to help us help you. So please buy a product with our site address on, because if we are not the one most recognized organizations on Earth, there maybe no hope for us.

A piece of advice "don't put things off for a special occasion, because every day you are alive is a special occasion." We can create utopia if we work together..

Best wishes and along life to you all.

Al Hall
